Friday 5 February 2016

Feature Article Plan

Like my last post, I have also made a plan for my feature article. I have not yet decided whether I want a four page spread of my cover star or a two page spread. This will all depend on how well I manage my time and understand the process of InDesign. Never the less, I made a plan on the two page spread as this will be my main focus if I don't do four pages.
From this picture, on the left side will be the conventional full page picture of my cover star and following this, on the right page will be an article, consisting of again the conventional three columns. The cover star will not be using direct address within this picture as I want the real 'photo shoot' perspective, as usually the paparazzi are the ones who are writing articles on celebrities, and I want this visual within my magazine as well.
Beneath is also another Prezi presentation I made to show the process of planning my music magazine feature article.

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