Friday 29 January 2016

Planning Front Cover & Contents Page

To plan my front cover and contents page, I needed a plan to work my magazine from. So I made a draft of what I wanted my front cover and contents page to look like.
These two pictures show what I plan to work from (I know its not very organised but it was just a rough plan). I planned where my masthead and main image will be for my front cover. Although I wasn't quite sure how big or how my picture will look, I planned the sell lines around them roughly, but this can always be changed if it does not fit in well. Within my contents page, I planned where the pictures will be placed, and picture one will be where the feature article star will be. I have planned to put the star in within all the pages I create, therefore when doing my photoshoot in the future, I must have lots of pictures available. 
From this, I can never miss out vital conventions and not forget where they are meant to be throughout the magazine, so this is really useful for me. 
After I had done this, I researched really into who my magazine will target and all the themes within. When I gathered this information, I presented this on an application I finally knew how to work, Prezi.

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